Selling your home in any area can present unexpected challenges and less-than-desirable results. The housing market is particularly fickle and can plummet or skyrocket at the drop of a hat. That’s why selling a condo or apartment in New York City can be especially hard to do.
Manhattan condos located in existing buildings sold for an average price of $1.9 million in the third quarter of 2017. That’s a pretty big chunk of change, but it isn’t guaranteed for your property. If you’re planning on putting your NYC condo or apartment up for sale, here are a few tips to help you get some substantial offers.
Empty the home of clutter
Your first step, and possibly top priority, is getting rid of all the clutter you’ve accumulated over the years. It may look like home to you, but someone coming in for an open house might strongly disagree. You want to present your property as a space that someone else can mold into their own. A congested mess will make it hard for potential buyers to do that, so get to decluttering your place. Countertops should be cleared of anything except perhaps a single decoration. Closets should be emptied and cleaned. Bathrooms should be emptied and set up as pristinely as possible, with decorative towels but no other signs of someone living there. All of this de-cluttering will mean you will have to start packing before the apartment is sold, so consider getting a storage unit.
Don’t leave repairs unfinished
Once the apartment is relatively empty, save for a few basic furnishings, do a thorough walk-through of your home. Check for any damages or imperfections that might detract from the overall quality. Is the drywall in good shape? Does any paint need to be touched up? Is the carpet old and need to be replaced? Are the hardwood floors scratched and worn out? These are some of the things you should look for during your inspection. It may seem counterintuitive to put money into a property you’re trying to sell, especially in NYC, but you’re essentially increasing the value of your home so it’s worth the cost.
Find a Realtor
Yes, you should absolutely find a local realtor. You will have to pay a commission, but they can work out deals that are exceedingly beneficial, so don’t sell them short (no pun intended).
Nobody said selling your apartment would be easy, but with the right realtor (and design-savvy friends) it can go very smoothly.