Many people take water for granted. However, these people are likely very privileged. Water is available and accessible to them at all times for the most part, and they do not stop to think that there are people in certain parts of the world who do not have any access to it at all. This is why it is good to get involved with volunteer work so that you can see what other people have to go through when they are not necessarily as fortunate as you are. For example, there are projects in which water supplies are provided to people who need them.
If you get involved in one of these projects, you will stop taking water for granted, most likely. You will be able to learn more about bottled water providers and different ways to buy bottled water online. You might want to work with charities that give clean water to people in other countries, as well as charities that help provide clean water to people in the same country who might need it. In any case, it is a good idea to remember that the things that you take for granted are not taken for granted by everyone.
UPDATED 1/26/21
A health alert was sent out in Salem, Oregon warning citizens to not drink the tap water. A recent algae bloom produced cyanotoxins in the Detroit Reservoir, and it was found in the water. Officials are advising anyone under six years old to avoid drinking tap water.
“Children under the age of six, people with compromised immune systems, people receiving dialysis treatment, people with pre-existing liver conditions, pets, pregnant women or nursing mothers, or other sensitive populations should follow this advisory,” a news release states.
Public schools will be offering bottled water to students who are in pre-K through the first grade. Bottled water will also be given to students who are medically fragile. Pregnant and nursing staff and students will also be given bottles to drink.
Public school officials stated that they will need to adjust how they prepare meals until the water is no longer threatening their students’ health. As long as the water does not appear to be blue or green, students can still wash their hands. This is according to Lillian Govus, a spokesperson for the district.
Govus also said that their school district has already secured 100,000 water bottles and will deliver them to the school as soon as possible. The delivery will start will the elementary school, then middle and high schools to self-contained classrooms with medically fragile students, the teen-parent program, and so forth, she said.
The warning reaches Detroit, Gates, Jefferson, Lyons, Mehama, Mill City, Salem, Stayton, and Turner communities. There are more than 185,000 people that live in these cities, and they all draw their municipal drinking water from the contaminated river.
Roughly one in six Americans get sick from consuming contaminated foods or beverages every year, according to the CDC. Hopefully, with the proper precautions, the people of Salem can avoid getting seriously ill from this contamination.
So far, there has been no reported impact on health, according to Oregon Health Authority David Farrer.
“We’ve had no reports of health impacts so far,” He said. “In the latest tests, the concentrations have been below the threshold for adults, but above the threshold for younger kids.”
Water Woes
Water testing in Salem, Oregon, has found that drinking tap water is unsafe. This poses risks to humans, who are made of at least 60% water. People need to drink enough water to meet their body’s needs and to replenish what they lose through dehydration. When algae and toxins pollute fresh water supplies, its availability is limited. Those who suffer from pre-existing medical conditions, the aged, and the young are most at risk.
Why Water?
There are 5 functions of water in the body. It maintains body temperature, lubricates joints, protects soft tissue, aids in digestion, and improves bowel movements. The top 3 benefits of water include clear skin, less headaches, and weightloss. Daily water consumption satisfies 3 uses of water in the body: rehydrating soft tissues, improving digestion, and providing liquids for dissolving foods.
While you may be tempted to endlessly gulp water, 5 gallons of water a day may be excessive, and the guide seems to be 1 gallon per adult per day. Hence, 4 quarts of water daily is recommended during this crisis.
What is the contamination and cross contamination difference? Contamination generally revolves around improper sanitization and cleaning, improper handling, preparation and storage of food. It also involves the contamination of insects and pests. On the other hand, cross-contamination is when things that have allergens get into ready to eat foods or raw foods as well as allergen-free products. Cross-contamination can be in simple terms be described as the transfer of microorganisms from an item to another. Judging from the contamination statistics, people must become more careful. In today’s world, there is a growing rate of contamination of the environment, mostly water. Getting clean groundwater has become a hassle. Chemical runoff pollution is drained into water bodies without being treated. Cleanliness is one way to keep off cross-contamination. To get a clean surrounding, consider getting professional environmental cleanup services.
What are the advantages of getting an environmental cleanup? Having a clean surrounding means lower chances of getting sick. A polluted environment will lead to health problems. Who does not like living an infections-free life? Cleanliness in your environment increases productivity as well as brings about a raised feeling of self-confidence.