18-Year-Old Makes $35,000 Plowing Amid Record-Breaking Snowfall

When the snowy months come, there is often a lot of snow that has to be dealt with somehow. If you have snowplow equipment, you can perform this service for your own driveway and street. You might be able to get customers around you for this service as well. A highway plow is generally owned by the city or county, though they may contract with other people to provide these services. Road snow clearing can be lucrative if you get some good customers and have quality equipment that gets the job done.

If you are looking for reliable snow plowing jobs, you can contract with the city or start your own snowplowing business. Even a small snow vehicle can be helpful when the snow isn’t too deep. Be sure to keep your equipment in good repair all year, as it’s impossible to predict when the first snow will actually come each year. Also, be sure to market your plowing services before the snow comes. That way, you will be ready to serve your neighbors and other customers with your snowplow. Having quick access to a snowplowing service can be extremely helpful to a lot of the people in your area.

UPDATED 1/7/21

What were you doing when you were 18 years old? We can think back to those days and the words motivation, hustle, and hard-working are not the first that come to mind. Idaho 18-year-old David Holston brings a whole new meaning to hard working and he was certainly rewarded for it.

Living in Idaho, Holston works for a landscaping company. Like many landscaping companies, there’s not so much land to scape in the winter, so they drive snow plows. As fate would have it, 2019 has been an incredibly snowy year for the entire nation. Which, for plow drivers, means business is booming.

Holston’s mother had recently had surgery in Seattle, Washington and he was there visiting her. In case you weren’t aware, Washington State was buried under record-breaking snowfall. While Holston was visiting his mother, his friend told him he should think about bringing his plow truck back from Idaho and help dig people out. In the United States, there are about 5.9 million commercial motor vehicle drivers currently operating. Snow plow drivers are among those license holders who have been in highest demand as the winds of winter have howled, bringing more snow than usual. His friend had a good point. That’s what friends are for.

Holston returned to Idaho and posted an ad on Craiglist offering plowing service in Seattle. His first offer was for $1,000. A recent survey showed that 71% of participants love celebrating their birthday, at any age. He returned to Seattle to celebrate his mother’s birthday, this time with his plow truck. Around 73% of the workforce in the United States are working in open office environments (though, just four years after Facebook’s celebration of the open office, this trend seems to be fizzling out). but Holston’s office travels with him and he had is work cut out for him. After the birthday celebration was over, he set to work.

He had jobs lined up until midnight, then into the next day. In the end, at rates ranging between $500 and $750 per hour, he pulled in approximately $35,000 in the span of a few days. That’s a jaw-dropping haul for anyone, regardless of age, in the course of a few days. A good Christian young man, he gave all the glory to God, quoting scripture from the gospel of Luke (verse 12:31):

“‘But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.’ The Lord blessed me with the money for the sole purpose of advancing his kingdom. All of the glory goes to God!”

With that money, he plans to buy some new lawn equipment for the upcoming landscaping season, save a good portion of it to put toward buying a first home, and is donating 20% of it to his church.

We aren’t much for telling people what to do with their money, but would he have been there if his buddy hadn’t given him the idea? He should at least take his friend out to dinner or something.

Want to Get Involved in Plowing?

utility trailers

When you think of ways to earn some extra money, you might not immediately consider investment in utility trailers or a snowplow for the front of your truck. You could earn an annual income and work only during winter though if you live in a cold climate that frequently gets snow. You could also earn this way if you will willingly travel to such a location during winter.

Snow Plow for Front of Truck

You can easily outfit a typical four-wheel-drive pickup truck with cheap snow plow parts. Purchase a hydraulic snow plow for truck or SUV and get to work. You would be surprised how easily you can earn money doing this in snowy areas like Wisconsin, Ohio, Washington, etc.

You do not need training as a professional snow plow operator. You can customize your existing truck to make it make money for you. The position of snowplow operator as an independent contractor requires only a regular driver’s license. Read on to learn how one enterprising man turned his truck and plow into a $35,000 side income.


plowing money, seattle snow plow.

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