Josh Duggar Confesses to Infidelity and Two Ashley Madison Accounts

The internet is not a place to stow your dirty laundry. This is becoming an especially prominent lesson for the thousands of individuals put at risk when Ashley Madison got hacked earlier this summer.

Ashley Madison, the high profile dating website, is designed to facilitate discreet affairs. When the website was hacked, these acts of infidelity soon became not-so-discreet, and no one was safe from the truth — including celebrities like Josh Duggar.

Josh Duggar, the political activist and oldest son of TLC’s infamous 19 Kids and Counting, has recently admitted to having two Ashley Madison accounts, one of which was linked to his home in Oxon, Maryland.

Duggar originally created his account in 2013. When he created his account, he signed up for the “guaranteed affair” feature, which increases the likelihood of the user having an affair.

In addition to his confession of infidelity, Duggar also publicly confessed that he is addicted to pornography.

In response to his wrongdoings, Duggar is humbling himself before the public, calling himself “the worst hypocrite of all” on his family’s website.

“I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him,” he laments in the statement.

This is not Josh Duggar’s first time under fire this year. Earlier in 2015, Duggar confessed to molesting four of his sisters when he was 14 years old.

Duggar, who was a lobbyist for the conservative organization Family Research Council up until this year, stepped down soon after the incest story broke.

Usually, this kind of behavior is ground for divorce. After all, 25% of individuals in mediation report that their divorce was due to infidelity.

However, it appears this his wife, Anna Duggar, has committed to stand by his side.


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