UPDATED 11/24/2020
If you are experiencing addiction and you are in a treatment program to get addiction treatment, kudos to you. The fact that you are getting sober from alcohol or another addictive substance is to be commended because it takes a lot of courage on your part. Going into a program means that you want to get better. Of course, it is not going to be easy, but you are in good hands.
As you try to learn how to stay sober after detox, life after alcohol addiction can be better than when you entered a rehab treatment center. While you are in rehab, you will learn different ways to handle your trigger points. Some of the trigger points could be hanging around old friends who may be addicts or reaching for the alcohol when you have an anxious moment. Treatment consists of learning steps to maintaining sobriety early recovery offers. The most important thing is to stay as busy as you can be; doing something that fulfills your life and makes a difference. Hang around people who support your sobriety after you have completed your 1 month sober alcohol treatment.
Whether you are a recovering alcoholic or a social drinker who doesn’t see a “problem” with your alcohol consumption, staying away from alcohol is a constant struggle. If you are a recovering addict it is important to do everything in your power to avoid relapse. On the other hand, if you’ve never had a problem, it is crucial that you avoid developing one.
Staying sober from alcohol is no easy feat, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic. Considering the fact that more than half of U.S. adults reported drinking alcohol in the last 30 days this is an issue that may become more pressing as society tries to find a way through this crisis. With alcohol sales on the rise and consumption statistics skyrocketing it is important to keep in mind a few these few tips for staying sober from alcohol.
Amidst the COVID-19 epidemic emergency care, family medical care, and other specific health centers like womens health clinics have never been more difficult to utilize. Overcrowding in these facilities due to the virus is making it very difficult for those who are not suffering from the virus to receive the care that they need. For this reason, those who are in recovery must be extra careful as a relapse may prove to be seriously dangerous for your health.
As anyone who has participated in a recovery program knows, relapse is a part of recovery. The vast majority of people in recovery experience one form of relapse or another in their recovery. A relapse is something that begins far before someone picks up alcohol, they happen slowly through daily events and stresses that push people to drink.

Considering the nature of relapse, it is important to begin putting up a series of safety nets that make it easier to refrain from drinking. Luckily, there are a number of emergency care clinics available for those experiencing duress. The following is a list of tricks for staying sober from alcohol, it may help to look at these as literal safety nets that you are putting up, each one adding another layer to your ability to remain sober.
Avoid High-Risk Situations
Avoiding high-risk relapse situations and changing your social circle are probably the two most important tips for staying sober from alcohol or any drug for that matter. Avoiding high-risk situations can mean many things, if you used to like drinking at a particular restaurant or place, avoid that place or situation. For example, if you’re a diehard fan of a certain sports team and love a cold beverage while you watch, it might be time to find a new team or sport to watch all together. Or if your favorite place to drink was at concerts, it might be time to take some time off from seeing your favorite bands. In short, whatever your triggers are, it’s important to identify them and do your best to avoid them whenever possible.

Avoiding situations with a high risk of relapse is very important for those who are in recovery. As we all know, alcohol is often linked with the need for legal help. Avoiding situations with alcohol and potentially illegal behavior is a huge part in many people’s recovery.
Change Your Social Circle
Considering the circumstances of COVID-19 and social distancing, many people don’t have much a social circle right now. This is a great excuse to change your social practices coming out of this epidemic. If you harbor toxic relationships with drinking buddies, friends, or even family, now is the time to take a serious hard look at those relationships and evaluate how healthy or unhealthy they may be.
It’s been proven time and time again that people who do not change their social habits are less likely to achieve clean and sober living.
Foster Healthy Relationships
for many people who are in recovery it may seem that they have no one left that they can count on. Unfortunately, a life of addiction has a tendency to leave people with broken healthy relationships and intact toxic ones. For this reason, it may be helpful to reestablish the healthy relationships that you may have had before your addiction, and sever those relationships that make you more prone to relapse.

If you’re lucky enough to have friends left that plan an alcohol intervention for you, by any means necessary, maintain those friendships. If you have a group of friends that care about you enough to stage an intervention, those are the people that you should do your best to listen to and remain close with. These are the types of relationships that will help you remain sober moving forward.
Everyone knows that making new friends can be tremendously difficult, this is especially true if you’ve maintained a life of addiction and are only now looking to make a change. It’s easy to feel alone in your recovery. However, it is important to remember that this is the exact reason why support groups exist, utilize AA meetings and groups to make friends with others who are in recovery. This can often be one of the most important safety nets that someone in recovery can have. People who are also in recovery may help you find other tips for staying sober from alcohol that you may not have considered before.
In times like these, with social distancing orders in place, there are many meetings that aren’t happening or are more difficult to find than they typically are. In this situation, it could be helpful to make use of addiction call centers and hotlines. These centers are open 24/7 and are always available to help an addict in need of support.
Stay busy
As far as most experts are concerned, this is the most beneficial thing a recovering addict can do if they wish to remain sober. Get a job, find a hobby, join club or group, do some home remodeling, collect stamps, start painting, plant microgreens, or learn to knit! There are countless activities to engage in when you want to keep busy. You might even find that doing simple yard work would be fun. Contact your local tree trimming company for tips and advice. Absolutely whatever it is that helps you keep your mind off picking up the bottle, do it.
Start Exercising

One of the best ways to stay busy and sober while also developing habits that may help your physical health is to start exercising. Whether that means getting yourself a gym membership, or buying a mountain bike, or even picking up a new sport like golf or tennis, for many people staying physically active is one of the most helpful tips for staying sober from alcohol. Keep your energy up with healthy food, including those microgreens we mentioned earlier.
Maintain a Job and Financial Security
It’s no secret that many people who struggle with alcohol addiction often struggle to maintain a job and financial stability. For this reason, one of the great tips for staying sober from alcohol is to put immense focus on maintaining a job and getting your finances in order.
If you already have a job, learning how to create and stick to a budget is a fantastic place to start. If you are without employment, getting a job is where you want to start.

Financial troubles, of course, cannot be solved overnight, however, focusing on specific financial goals for the future is one of the most important tips for staying sober from alcohol.
Seek Meaning in Your Daily Life
Understanding a higher goal or purpose can be incredibly effective for people in recovery. If you are already passionate about something, lean into that and use it as a tool for recovery. If you’re a parent, seek purpose in your family. Maintain personal integrity at your job, do your job well, whatever it is. Learning how to look at every element of your life in a positive way is very difficult, however, it might be one of your key tips for staying sober from alcohol.
Focus on controlling your emotions
The stereotype about the angry alcoholic is there for a reason. Many people who struggle with alcohol dependency also have difficulty managing their emotions. Anger is typically the most common emotion that alcoholics struggle with, but any strong emotion can trigger a relapse.
For many people, learning to control your emotions is one of the most important tips for staying sober from alcohol. In an effort to avoid relapse, it is important that people who are in recovery focus on learning how to identify when they are experiencing toxic emotions. Once you have learned how to identify certain emotions, you must then work on being able to manage those emotions.
Staying calm is an incredibly effective tips for staying sober from alcohol for many people. For that reason many people find great comfort in practices such as meditation or mindfulness practices, these can act as fantastic safety nets for your recovery.
Learn to Identify and Manage Urges
Typically, relapse urges are rather short-lived, usually lasting under an hour. However short an urge to use might be, they can still be incredibly powerful. For many addicts, learning to identify and manage these urges is often one of the most crucial tips for staying sober from alcohol. Keeping yourself busy is a great way to avoid experiencing urges however you will likely still experience them from time to time during the course of your recovery. Knowing when your experiencing one of these urges and learning how to talk yourself out of them with affirmations like “this is an urge, which will pass” and “I am stronger than my addiction” are great things to practice telling yourself during times when you doubt your own sobriety.
Practice Saying “No”
Taking the time to practice declining offers for alcohol can be one of many effective tips for staying sober from alcohol. For you, this might mean practicing a specific response to people who offer you alcohol or simply just practicing telling people that you stopped drinking for health reasons. Simply getting used to telling people “no” can determine how likely you are to relapse.
Offer to Drive
This does by all means not work for everyone in recovery. As we talked about above, high-risk situations can often act as triggers for people in recovery. However, if you are one of the lucky few that can be around people who are drinking and avoid doing it yourself, then offering to be the designated driver can be a fantastic safety net for you. That being said, if you don’t feel that you have the willpower to decline the offer for alcohol all evening then you should avoid even putting yourself in such a situation.

Try Non-Alcoholic Options
Chances are if you’ve developed an alcohol problem that you also enjoy the taste of your favorite beverage. Whether it’s a beer or a margarita that you miss the most, there is a non-alcoholic or NA option for you to try. This can often be a great way to avoid drinking when you are around others who are, as it at the very least gives you something to sip on that looks, feels, and tastes slightly like the drink you miss so much. However, for some people NA options can act as a trigger, it’s important to realize which side of the coin you fall on and act accordingly.
Find and Maintain Balance in Your life
Meeting new people, finding new hobbies, and learning new skills can all be wonderful tips for staying sober form alcohol. However, many people who suffer from alcohol addiction simply have addictive personalities. When one addiction is replaced with another addiction (even if the new one is a healthy one) it can still present risk of relapse. For instance, if you pick up disk golf as a hobby, though that is a healthy practice, it is not healthy to play 12 hours of disk golf seven days a week.
Take a serious look at the habits you replace alcohol with and evaluate how they are helping you stay sober. If you’re spending too much time in meetings, or working out too much, whatever it is that you’re doing, keep a level head about how much you are doing it and strive to reach balance in your life.
An addiction treatment center offers a conducive and stable surrounding for recovering addicts. The environment in an addiction treatment center keeps you away from temptations and offers safety and security, especially for newly recovering addicts.
What is drug management?
Drug management involves taking the correct quantity of drugs as prescribed by a physician. Abuse of drugs comes in various ways such as taking alcohol. Taking drugs contrary to how the doctor prescribes is an abuse of drugs.andnbsp;
How do people get into drugs and addiction?
Young people are the most affected by drugs and addiction—some of them being introduced to drugs by their peers. The availability of such drugs at affordable prices triggers the rise in cases of new drug addiction. Other people get into drugs and addiction as a result of an inconducive surrounding.
What are the common drugs that people get addicted to?

Globally, drug addiction is becoming a major issue. There are common drugs people get addicted to easily. Alcohol, for instance, is one of the leading drugs that many people have fallen trap of. Addicts of drugs such as alcohol easily get addicted as it is easily available and affordable as well.
How to not do drugs?
Considering the various ways people engage in drugs, engaging in healthy relationships may be considered one way of how not to do drugs. Keeping yourself busy and knowing how to control how you feel is also vital in staying away from drugs.
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