Toyota Temporarily Halts Production at San Antonio Plant After Experiencing Severe Storms and Flooding

Toyota Motor Corp.’s San Antonio pickup truck plant has temporarily halted its production due to damage the factory incurred from a recent storm. The storm’s lashing rains and strong winds managed to inflict enough damage that production had to stop completely.
According to, the storm left roof damage on the plant, allowing water to enter. Additionally, Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Texas spokesman Mario Lozoya said that production would be halted for at least a few days.
Lozoya also told reporters that workers on the first production shift were commanded not to to go work, as managers had to inspect the 2.2 million-square-foot plant for damage.
“Our concern is that there may be water in the electrical systems,” Lozoya said. “We want to make sure those things are safe.”
Before the storm, the plant released a statement, saying they were preparing themselves for the turbulent weather ahead.
“We are aware of and are preparing for the projected weather so we can minimize impact,” the statement said.
Nonetheless, the storm managed to do a number on Toyota’s truck plant.
Water damage can do a great deal of damage to a property. In fact, water damage accounted for 26.4% of all insurance claims in 2013 on commercial and residential properties alike.

Mechanic man holding clipboard and check the car

And it’s no wonder the plant sustained such extensive damage. According to the National Weather Service, the area of San Antonio reported winds of roughly 80 miles per hour during the storm, which also dumped massive rain accumulations and hail across the region.
The Toyota plant opened a decade ago and employs 2,600 people. It also builds Toyota’s full-sized Tundra pickups, as well as mid-sized Tacoma pickups. If you happen to purchase one of these trucks, you’ll see that it comes with a sticker that reads: “Born in Texas, built by Texans.”

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