People of all ages can deal with a variety of skin issues ranging from acne to scars to skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema. But for more severe skin issues and concerns, a cosmetic dermatologist may be the best answer to your skincare needs. A dermatologist can offer you the best skin tips and can help you develop a skin care routine that is customized for your skin, your issues, and your lifestyle.
When you have advanced skincare need it is important to know the best things for skin repair and treatment. A professional skin surgeon or dermatologist can help you understand the causes of your skin issues and what you can do about them. They will also give you some best tips for good skincare and cleaning practices that you can use every single day to protect your skin.
To find the best way to keep your face clear, to fight acne and other skin issues, and to protect your skin day in and day out, talk to your local dermatologist today. You and your skin will be glad that you did!
According to a recent report from the Huffington Post, it could be your pillowcase that’s causing you to break out. Nearly 85% of people will have acne at some point in their life, and there is now evidence that suggests that major cause of that acne could be your pillowcase.
Holding days’ worth of buildups of dirt and oil, a pillowcase can contribute to causing acne mechanica, says Dr. David E. Bank, founder of The Center for Dermatology.
“Acne mechanica is any type of acne that is the result of material or objects touching your face,” explains Bank. “When your pillowcase isn’t laundered or changed regularly, a build-up of dirt and oil from the environment as well as your skin and hair touching the pillow is transferred back to your skin modernpropertysolutions. This can clog pores and cause blemishes.”

This issue of contamination transfer can happen with any pillowcase, regardless of the material it’s made from.
“No matter what material your pillowcase is, if it is not changed regularly, then it can have more grime, dirt and sweat,” says Bank. “If you have any thick products on your hair when you sleep, the oils from your hair sit on the surface of your pillowcase and that can transfer to your face.”
Making sure that you wash your pillowcases often is essential in the treatment of this kind of acne. It is suggested that you wash them every two to three days, and that you wash your face every night.
The pillowcase may not be the direct cause of your acne, but according to Ellen Clark, president of Control Corrective Skincare Systems, “if you’re prone to breakouts, whether it’s because of hormones, genetics or stress, [pillowcases] can exacerbate an already delicate situation and cause micro-irritation.”
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